It is an honor to have the opportunity to help the MN PGA, DAV support this worthy cause. I feel it's my duty to help others. Service to others is the rent we pay for the space we occupy here on earth.
Why am I doing this?
walker, veteran
I am from Port Gibson, Mississippi. My military career started when I joined the National Guard infantry division; my unit was attached to the first cavalry. I was in the service for six years. Most of my family is in the military, that’s one of the reasons I decided to join, because of the legacy and family history. Even though my family didn’t push me and never encouraged me to go, somehow, a part of me just decided I wanted to serve. I will be playing these rounds of golf in a team with my friend Mark as my partner. I know Mark from the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), where I serve as treasurer on the executive board. I am also past commander for DAV Chapter 2 St. Paul. Mark and I do a lot of events together. On the fourth Sunday of every month, for example, we visit the VA Hospital together.
Goal: $1,000